Luminglas (Participatory Exhibit)

Ύψος (m):0.00 Διάμετρος (m):0.70 Πλάτος(m):0.00 Βάρος (Kgr)0.00 Αναλυτικές διαστάσεις:
Μήκος (m):0.00
Participatory Exhibit Συμμετοχικά Αντικείμενα
United States of America (USA) 27-11-2009

Luminglas combines the bright colours and long life of the neon lamp's electrical discharges with the direct interactivity of the plasmosphere in a glass enclosure of any size and shape. This one is a circular disc, 69.5 cm in diameter with the logo of the Technology Park (hand).